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About us

Centre of Quality AgroEko Ltd. is a limited liability company (notary deed of 2007-07-09), registered at No. 0000285181 in the National Court Register (KRS).


Centre of Quality AgroEko Ltd. main activity is certification of organic agriculture subject.


CQAE services are governed by Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 (OJ of the EU L 189/1 of 20.07.2007).


All those interested in our activities please feel free to contact us.


Centre of Quality AgroEko Ltd.

Office : 01-171 Warszawa, ul. Młynarska 42

tel. +48/22 884 00 20

mobile +48 666 338 204

tel/fax 22 +48 884 00 21

e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.

Bank Millennium

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TIN 536-182-47-71

REGON 141066188



Producers register

Register of organic producers certificated by AgroEko Sp. z o. o.

Organic agriculture

Certification of farms

Certification of organic agriculture products processing


  • Register of fertilizers and soil quality enhancing substances qualified for organic farming
  • Register of plant protecting substances qualified for organic farming
  • Technical committee
  • Waivers
  • Data disclosure application
  • Application for permit to use seed, not compatible with Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 for organic agriculture
  • Register of organically produced seed and vegetative material
  • Register of organic seed suppliers

Certification of farms

Certification of farms

Certification of organic farms (or farms at conversion stage) are carried out in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 (OJ of the EU L 189/1 of 20.07.2007)

Certification Process

1. Certification by Centre of Quality AgroEko is carried out objectively and independently. All organic producers, actual and would- be, have equal access to our services

2. Certification process consists of the following steps:

  • Verification of documents filed by Applicant
  • Onsite inspection
  • Evaluation of the inspection
  • Decision and certificate issue
  • Supervision of the farm during validity period of the certificate

Initial information for the Applicant

All necessary information may be acquired from Centre of Quality AgroEko.

CQAE provides information about:

  • National laws and regulations
  • UE laws
  • Procedures employed by Centre of Quality AgroEko
  • standard Control Plan
  • Rules for usage of certificate, sign and label of Centre of Quality AgroEko
  • Supervision over the certificate
  • Suspension, withdrawal and cancelation  of the certificate
  • Appellations and complaints
  • Calculation and method of payment for the control

Submission of "organic agriculture activity application" ("Zgłoszenie działalności w rolnictwie ekologicznynm")

An Applicant begins the process by forwarding "Organic agriculture activity application" to the CQAE's address. Within 14 day from receipt of the Application, CQAE forwards the "Certification Application Form" together with required attachments, to be filled out by the Applicant.

Submission of certification application

First time applying producers

1. Submission of the application, in person, by e-mail or by letter to:

Centrum Jakości AgroEko Sp. z o.o., 01-171 Warszawa, ul. Młynarska 42

Application must be submitted with all its attachments and annexes, including a contract between the CQAE and the Applicant.

Required attachments:

  • copy of the extract from land registry
  • copy of evidence map or aerial photo showing all lots owned by the Applicant
  • copy of Agri-Environmental Subsidies application form
  • lease agreement, when applicable
  • power of attorney, when applicable
  • copy of payment confirmation

Application, together with listed documents must be sent to the CQAE within 14 days from the date of receipt of the forms from CQAE.

2. Producers certified by another certification body, must ad:

  • Copy of the certificate
  • Producer's status confirmation
  • Recommendations from former certification body, if there were any

3. Submitted application undergoes formal evaluation, carried out by the Centre of Quality within 7 days from the date of receipt. Complete application is registered and the Applicant is notified by letter.

4. In case of mistakes or omissions, the Applicant is informed about their nature and a period of 14 days is granted for corrections. Applications not corrected within 14 days will be disregarded.

5. Following registration the application enters the on onsite inspection stage.

Producers under Centre of Quality AgroEko supervision

Certified organic producers are obliged to:

  • Present the Annual Production Plan - by the end of April
  • Pay the first instalment of certification fee - by the end of January.

Certified organic producers are obliged to report all changes regarding entries in the Description of the Premises to the head of Certification Department. Changes should be reported by letter, no later than 2 weeks from their occurrence.

Control Process

1. Onsite inspection is carried out by a licensed inspector in accordance with the Control Plan. Its scope is to confirm whether the production methods are employed in accordance with the requirements stated in Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 (OJ of the EU L 189/1 of 20.07.2007).

2. Inspection report must be confirmed by the Producer. In case the Producer disagrees with statements made by the inspector, he/she may refuse signing it and has 7 days to file objections to the Chairman of CQAE. Complaints will be taken care of promptly and Producer will be informed about the outcome by letter.

Evaluation OF Control results

1. Control results evaluation and verification of documents is carried out by the Centre of Quality's head of Certification Department in 14 days.

2. If inconsistencies or discrepancies are revealed, the case is scrutinized by the Technical Committee.

Certificate issue

1. Decision about issuing or declining the certificate is made by the Chairman of CQAE;

2. Certificate together with attachment stating its extent is issued for a 1 year period;

3. In case the certificate is declined, the Applicant is informed about the reason and right to appeal.

4. For farms in the conversion stage, only information about carried out control is issued.

Supervision over certificate

Centre of Quality AgroEko supervises Certified Producers through full annual controls (payable) and ad-hoc controls (free of charge).


1. Certified Producer not fulfilling the requirements are subject to following sanctions:

  • Reminder
  • Warning
  • Certificate suspension
  • Certificate withdrawal

2. Sanctions are in relation to the occurring situation and apply to inaccuracies to given items of Control Plan and contract issues between Producer and CQAE.

3. Producer has the right to appeal to the Chairman of CQAE.

Privacy rule

Centre of Quality AgroEko assures that all personnel taking part in certification process have signed a declaration of privacy and impartiality with regard to the carried out activities.


1. Centre of Quality AgroEko guarantees that any disputes will be analyzed and resolved according to valid procedures.

2. Producers are entitled to appeal the verdict by Centre's of Quality AgroEko. It must be delivered by letter to the office within 30 days, from the day the decision made by Centre of Quality AgroEko is received.

3. Clarification proceedings start immediately, but no later than 7 days from the date the appeal or complaint is received. Proceedings may take up to 30 days, in more complex cases time-limit may be extended to 60 days - complainant/appealer is notified by letter

4. Complainant/appealer is notified about the reached decision after clarification proceedings are over

5. Appeal against the decision made by the Chairman of CQAE must be sent by letter, addressed to the Chairman, who passes it to the Technical Committee together with all relevant documents.

6. Technical Committee analyses all documentation and states its opinion on the matter to the Chairman, who makes a final decision.

7. Cost of complaint/appeal proceedings is determined based on current price-list. It is calculated individually and depends on costs borne by the Centre of Quality AgroEko.

8. When the appeal is ruled in favour of the Producer, all costs are borne by the Centre of Quality AgroEko.


Payment for operations stated in the contract is calculated according to current price-list in Centre of Quality AgroEko. Applicant is informed about costs and method of their calculation prior to signing contract, after representative of Centre of Quality AgroEko becomes acquainted with presented documents

Centre of Quality AgroEko works very hard for its prices to be adequate to the extent of services provided.

Certification of organic agriculture products processing

Certification of producers marketing products from organic agriculture

Presented certification includes

  • Food processors and distributors including first consumers
  • Feed, feed mix and feed materials producers and processors

and is carried out in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 (OJ of the EU L 189/1 of 20.07.2007)

Certification Process

1. Certification by Centre of Quality AgroEko is carried out impartially and independently, without discriminating financial policy. All marketing organic products have the right to our services

2. Certification process consists of the following steps:

  • Verification of documents filed by Applicant
  • Onsite inspection
  • Evaluation of the inspection
  • Decision
  • Supervision during the validity period of the certificate

Information for the Applicant

All necessary information may be acquired from Centre of Quality AgroEko.

CQAE provides information about:

  • National laws and regulations
  • UE laws
  • Procedures employed by Centre of Quality AgroEko and standard Control Plan
  • Rules for usage of certificate, sign and label of Centre of Quality AgroEko
  • Supervision over the certificate
  • Suspension, withdrawal and cancelation  of the certificate
  • Appellations and complaints
  • Calculation and payment for the control  method

Necessary Documents

1. Documents may be filed by e-mail, by letter or in person at the certification body's office

Centrum Jakości AgroEko Sp. z o. o., 01-171 Warszawa, ul. Młynarska 42

2. First time Applicants must file following documents:

  • "Organic agriculture activity application" with attachments
  • Certification body's Application with attachments including:
  • Address and legal status of the company (scope of activity, copy of the National Court Register, Regon, NIP, account No. with bank name and address )
  • Lots location plan with all production and support buildings including all storage facilities
  • Register of all subjects participating in production: processing or any other activity associated with product preparation
  • Register of products which are to be certified
  • Technical documentation and accounting records which will allow for the identification of the product
  • Applicant's agreement on fulfilment of control and certification requirements and provision of all information necessary for facility's evaluation

3. Together with the application the first installment of certification fee must be paid, as specified in the price-list in the Centre of Quality AgroEko

4. Submitted application undergoes formal evaluation, carried out by the Centre of Quality within 7 days from the date of receipt. Complete application is registered and the Applicant is notified by letter.

5. In case of mistakes or omissions, the Applicant is informed about their nature and a period of 14 days is granted for corrections. Applications not corrected within 14 days will be disregarded.

6. Following registration the application enters the on onsite inspection stage.

Control Process

1. Onsite inspection is carried out by a licensed inspector. Its scope is to confirm whether the production methods are employed in accordance with the requirements stated in Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 (OJ of the EU L 189/1 of 20.07.2007). Control proceedings are carried out according to the Control Plan

2. Inspection report must be confirmed by the Producer. In case the Producer disagrees with statements made by the inspector, he/she may refuse signing it and has 7 days to file objections to the Chairman of CQAE. Complaints will be taken care of promptly and Producer will be informed about the outcome by letter.

Evaluation of control results

3. Control results evaluation and verification of documents is carried out by the Centre of Quality's head of Certification Department in 14 days.

4. If inconsistencies or discrepancies are revealed, the case is scrutinized by the Technical Committee.

Certificate issue

1. Decision about issuing or declining the certificate is made by the Chairman of CQAE;

2. Certificate together with attachment stating its extent is issued for a 1 year period;

3. In case the certificate is declined, the Applicant is informed about the reason and possibility to appeal.

4. For farms in the conversion stage, only information about carried out control is issued.

Supervision over certificate

Centre of Quality AgroEko supervises Certified Producers through full annual controls (payable) and ad-hoc controls (free of charge).


1. Certified Producer not fulfilling the requirements will be sanctioned, as follows:

  • Reminder
  • Warning
  • Certificate suspension
  • Certificate withdrawal

2. Sanctions are in relation to the occurring situation and apply to inaccuracies to given items of control plan and contract issues between Producer and CQAE.

3. Producer has the right to appeal the verdict to the Chairman of CQAE.

Privacy rule

Centre of Quality AgroEko assures that all personnel taking part in certification process have signed a declaration of privacy and impartiality with regard to the carried out activities.


1. Centre of Quality AgroEko guarantees that any disputes will be analyzed and resolved according to valid procedures.

2. Producers are entitled to appeal the verdict by Centre's of Quality AgroEko. It must be delivered by letter to the office within 30 days, from the day the decision made by Centre of Quality AgroEko is received.

3. Clarification proceedings start immediately, but no later than 7 days from the date the appeal or complaint is received. Proceedings may take up to 30 days, in more complex cases time-limit may be extended to 60 days - complainant/appealer is notified by letter

4. Complainant/appealer is notified about the reached decision after clarification proceedings are over

5. Appeal against the decision made by the Chairman of CQAE must be sent by letter, addressed to the Chairman, who passes it to the Technical Committee together with all relevant documents.

6. Technical Committee analyses all documentation and states its opinion on the matter to the Chairman, who makes a final decision.

7. Cost of complaint/appeal proceedings is determined based on current price-list. It is calculated individually and depends on costs borne by the Centre of Quality AgroEko.

8. When the appeal is ruled in favour of the Producer, all costs are borne by the Centre of Quality AgroEko.


Payment for operations stated in the contract is calculated according to current price-list in Centre of Quality AgroEko. Applicant is informed about costs and method of their calculation prior to signing contract, after representative of Centre of Quality AgroEko becomes acquainted with presented documents

Centre of Quality AgroEko works very hard for its prices to be adequate to the extent of services provided.

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